Gift bags introduced(Hits:825)

Orgin: Author: 2015-02-05
         Gift bag is a packaged goods, means to put in, packaging foil gift bag. Gift bags are usually plastic paper material, cloth three. Today's society can be seen everywhere people use the gift bags. A beautiful gift bags can better express their gifts. With changing lifestyles, consumer demand for gift bags have become more sophisticated.

         Classification of the bag

         Non-woven gift bag
         Main material is woven. Non-woven fabric is a non-woven fabric, it is the direct use of polymer slices, short fibers or filaments formed by various methods of fiber network formation and consolidation of technology with soft, breathable and planar structure of the new fiber products.

         PVC material gift bags
         Main material is PVC. PVC material that is PVC, it is the world's largest output of plastic products, cheap, widely used, PVC resin is white or light yellow powder. Depending on the use of different additives can be added, PVC can present different physical and mechanical properties. Adding an appropriate amount of PVC resin, plasticizer, can be made into a variety of hard, soft and transparent products.

        Different materials can also do different gift bags: paper gift bags, gift bags nylon, canvas gift bags, fabric gift bags, gift bags leather, plastic gift bags.